
Sunday 31 January 2010

Sweet Award

I have been given an award from Jenny who has an amazing blog and has some wonderful creations,please go and visit her. Thank you so much Jenny
There are a few rules.

1. Copy and Paste the award on my blog.

2. List who gave the award and link back to them.

3. List 10 things that make you happy.

4. Pass the award on to other bloggers and visit them to let them know.

The 10 things that make me happy are

1. Tommy we have been married 41 years and are still happy
2. My children John Clare and Stephen
3.My 2 grandchildren Daniel and Ava
4. crafting
5. Shopping, cannot get to much of that
6. Being healthy
7. Holidays
9.My garden
10. The internet, what would we do without it.

I would like to pass this award on to Cathy and Jackie Do visit their blogs they are amazing.


  1. Congratulations, a lovely award - enjoyed reading those things about you

  2. Oh bless you Doreen and thank you so much for thinking of me :o)
    I have just arrived home from a crafting day with friends, part of which was an SU Party, so had a wonderful day spending and crafting. It may be a few days before I pick your lovely award (too tired tonight and at work tomorrow), but I will be very happy to accept it thank you :o)
    Jackie xx

  3. Thank you so much Doreen for this award, it was very nice of you to think of me. It was well deserved when you won it, your cards and blog is amazing. Cathy xxxxx


Thank you so much for showing an interest in my work, I welcome comments good and bad, thats how we all learn. Have a good day Doreen xxx