
Thursday 11 February 2010

Guest DT

Well I didn't make the DT on Tuesday Taggers,I guess there is just to much competition and so much talent out there, but they have offered me a Guest design spot for the next three weeks I am so excited, there are six of us all together. So watch this


  1. Doreen, I am thrilled that I am going to be working alongside off your at Tuesday Taggers, I hope you enjoy it..Love Avril xxx

  2. Well done Doreen, enjoy the experience.

    Jenny x

  3. Well done Doreen, looking forward to checking out your creations over the next few weeks as Guest designer. Have fun hun.
    Pat xx

  4. Way hey Doreen what fabulous news congratulations

    Lorraine x

  5. Congratulations on your DT place,but i have found out a key thing they look for the main DT team after a honest post - was the number of followers and comments left! so half the criteria is irrelvant to your card making ability

  6. Congratulations Doreen. Tuesday Taggers is a great challenge blog so I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay.
    You put a comment on Bah! Humbug ! that said 'thanks for chance of winning' - Doreen you were the winner - congratulations. Could you email Irene and she will get the prize sent off to you.
    Ann xxx

  7. Congrats Doreen on guest DT spot I wish you well and look forward to seeing your super creations. Cathy xxxx


Thank you so much for showing an interest in my work, I welcome comments good and bad, thats how we all learn. Have a good day Doreen xxx