
Thursday 4 February 2010

Just wandering

Afternoon lovely bloggers,
 On my journeys around all the lovely blogs I visit, I have noticed nearly all images that are used are stamped, now I know colouring in these stamps is an art but is there any protocol to say we must use images to colour in. I have so many wonderful images on various cd's that I love using and feel there is still a good amount of work needed to colour co-ordinate and embellish my work to still call it art. I would like to hear peoples opinions on


  1. Hi Doreen, for challenges you need to follow the criteria and if it asks for a stamped image then that's what is required. If it doesn't require a stamped image then you can use what you like. I have used my own photographs on some challenges :o)
    Jackie xx

  2. Hi Doreen
    I agree with Jackie but I also want to say, you make gorgeous cards and have used gorgeous images, do what you love doing as long as it works with the challenge.I love doing both, I just wish I was more artistic with the pencil. hugs nnalorac.xx

  3. Hi Doreen although I love rubber stamping I also use lots of Digi images but I agree with the others your cards are always so beautiful just do what makes you feel happy. I have visited quite a few blogs who have used images from CDs and they look gorgeous they can still be embellished if you want so just go with your creative flow.
    Lorraine x

  4. No rule whatsoever, i just love stamping so thats why you will find most of my images stamped and coloured in! nothing wrong with creating cards by other means

  5. Hi Doreen, just use what you are happy with. Not all the challenges ask for stamping. You have some fabulous cards on your blog. I do both.
    Beryl x

  6. Hello - a new face for you! Not having ever taken up a card challenge (other than my own, to me) I'd endorse what others have said; how you make your cards is an individual preference. Have fun, experiment a bit and then do what you do as well as you can.

  7. Doreen, I think your cards express who you are and are just beautiful. I use a lot of freebies from Dover Publications and a lot of personal photos. My husband thinks I have a lot of stamps. However, in comparison to other card makers, I have very, very few. I use some of my faves over and over, especially the flourishes.

  8. I usually stamp because I love stamping and colouring etc but I also use clip art and free images from the internet, unless a challenge specifies stamping I think you can use whatever you like, your cards are lovely (thanks for following )

  9. I say you use what makes you happy! I truly enjoy the coloring. Even more than putting the card together. This is your blog, your creation and your way of doing it! That is what makes it right!

    I think your cards are beautiful!


Thank you so much for showing an interest in my work, I welcome comments good and bad, thats how we all learn. Have a good day Doreen xxx